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Thyroid Disease A Naturopathic Answer

Thyroid disease, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroid (overactive) or hypothyroid (underactive) are showing signs in our population of becoming an epidemic says â??The Colorado Thyroid Disease Prevalence Studyâ?. This is a trend across the board in American health, where we are seeing many common diseases moving to an epidemic stage. You name a disease and it is probably an epidemic or moving toward becoming an epidemic like thyroid disease.

Why do we have this problem? Well, as a naturopath I say look at the basics, we are violating just about every natural law in how we take care of ourselves and our environment.

But for you who have thyroid disease, solving your problem is the most important priority right now. I will be frank with you; the drug industry does not have a realistic answer to your problem. Drugs can be a way to stabilize your situation temporarily but to use those drugs does not address the root of the problem only the symptoms. Through your thyroid disease, your body is saying something is wrong with the way you are living.

If you only address this disease signal your body is sending you with drugs, without addressing the real cause, it will breakout again as another disease and so on.

To get back to basics, take a look at an article I wrote titled â??You Are Sick and You Need Help Nowâ? also read â??I am an omnivore, we are all omnivoresâ?. These articles will give you some real solid basic health suggestions and common sense knowledge that, when put into practice, begin to address those needs your body has. When you give your body what it needs, the whole body begins to normalize and all your organs begin to run like they were designed to.

When they do that, even genetically weak organs begin to move toward normal function.

I ask that you give these suggestions a fair shake of at least 3 months of diligent work. Remember it took years of abuse to develop thyroid disease, it is not going to be solved with a few good meals, you have to work with this. You will see changes just as I did. Read my biography. I had cancer, a genetic weakness, and many genetic problems all served up by an American life style.

I really thought I led a healthy life until I was taught better by my sicknesses. If I had not changed my life, like I am asking you to do, I would be dead like my father and grandfather. As I have repeated over and over to students, â??I have not drawn a sick breath since that time 18 years ago when I cured my cancer.


While you are establishing a healthy foundation for your body there are herbs, vitamins and minerals listed below that can assist you with your thyroid issues. Also I would encourage you to take up a hatha yoga routine that includes the inverted postures (simple inverted, shoulder stand, and plow poses). These powerful yoga postures are known to cleanse and stimulate the thyroid gland to balance itself while encourage a balancing of all hormones.

The kind of Ingredients you should seek for thyroid disease.
Below are listed some of many foods that can assist the body when it is suffering from this disease.

Some of these foods have a reputation for their thyroid remedial power. Why is it important that the ingredients in the herbal formulas you take be from food? Why couldnâ??t they be from chemicals? Scientists would like to think that we can treat our bodies with chemicals, that chemical medicines will cure us. But that has never happened and it never will; that is why there are always dangerous side effects. This is just plain common sense; our bodies do not recognize chemicals because they are not from nature.

Below are simple natural food complexes which have been shown to be better for our internal human environment. Our forefatherâ??s and motherâ??s have been using some of these same ingredients for thousands of years with no ill effects.

Why so many different ingredients? This is also just plain common sense as are all nature healing remedies and philosophies. Every single ingredient we are suggesting will all encourage a positive result in your body.

But our bodies are uniquely individual and what will encourage dramatic healing results for you might not be as beneficial for someone else with thyroid disease. So we suggest many herbal foods combined together to create a healing synergy that will fit with each unique individual. Again this is common sense when you are given the simple answer. Chemicals can react against each other causing side effects while foods tend to work together; we all know that.

Food Nutrients for the Thyroid
Listed below is information on different food complexes that assist the thyroid to regain balance and function.

This information was compiled by Doctor Robert Thiel, N.H.D. who also holds a Ph.D. in nutrition science; he heads the research group at Doctors Research.

Adrenalglandulars are a Food which has been used for decades by nutrition-oriented doctors when adrenal concerns are suspected. The adrenal glands help the body deal with stress, but high stress weakens the adrenal glands. Fatigue and metabolic problems are common symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. It should be noted that it is well accepted that hypoadrenalism results in â??increasing the frequency of hypoglycemiaâ? as well as â??hypothyroidismâ?. Salt craving is a common symptom of hypoadrenalism; it can also be involved in hypothyroidism.

The adrenal cortex produces the hormone cortisol which helps control organic metabolism and responses to stress.

Alfalfa is believed by some herbalists have a â??beneficial effect on the pituitary glandâ?, â??helps in chemical imbalanceâ?, â??neutralizes uric acid for arthritisâ?, and â??is useful as a Food to prevent cholesterol accumulation in the veinsâ?; this last point is supported by several animal studies.

Brown Kelp is a Food source of trace minerals, and an excellent source of iodine.

Kelp has long been used (since 3000 B.C.) to provide nutritional support for the thyroid gland.

Gary Null, Ph.D., has written, â??Kelp can rebalance thyroid metabolism, resulting in successful weight management and the reversal of many conditions which are caused by a thyroid imbalance, including stomach and respiratory disordersâ?.

Burdock is believed by some to be helpful in â??fortifying the immune systemâ?. It has several historical uses including helping with skin disorders â??particularly when they are caused by a system imbalance.

It stimulates the digestive juices and bile secretion and therefore is useful in treating anorexia nervosa and digestion and appetite problemsâ?. Some believe, in addition to helping with digestive concerns, burdock â??aids the pituitary gland to help adjust hormone balanceâ?. Burdock has sometimes been recommended for thyroid health.

Carrots contain a variety of carotenoids, which is a vitamin A precursor. Low levels of vitamin A are associated with increased risk of thyroid goiters and deficiencies affect thyroid metabolism.

â??A decade-long Harvard study indicated that by getting 50 milligrams of carotenoids in every other dayâ?¦significantly reduced the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cataractsâ?.

Copper is a mineral which, in proper dosages, is essential to the human body. Vegetarian Thyro contains copper in a B-vitamin containing Food.

Copper works with zinc in the body, and zinc without copper can lead to imbalances. Food copper is not like non-food forms such as copper chloride.

Guar gum seed is a water soluble fiber (in the form of a galactomannan), extracted from locust beans. It improves â??tolerance to glucose by decreasing absorptionâ?, which makes it of value for many.

Iodine can be properly called THE THYROID mineral since the bodyâ??s sole use of the mineral iodine is for the thyroid to make thyroid hormones (T1,T2,T3,.

About the Author (text)Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer eighteen years ago. For more interesting information on improving your health visit The Natural Path (http://www.theherbprof.com).

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